That's what I'm wearing today, along with a shirt with... funny sleeves! If it hasn't hit the states yet, this trend is big ya'll.
So my paper is done! It was done on Monday I think. But I turned it in late because the when I put the flash drive in, the paper opened up a big page of symbols. So I had to entirely retype the assignment. My teacher was really nice though so he said it was okay. Also, I had my first draft to show him, but I'd written all over it.
I didn't leave my apartment for two days. That's what I do everytime I have a big assignment. I made Italian meatball soup on Monday and it was really good. I wanted to make Lasagna soup tonight, but I still have some of the meatball soup left. I should probably finish that off. Tacos again tomorrow, so I guess I'll make the Lasagna soup on Friday.
Sorry I'm so constantly talking about food lol.
Pati came home yesterday! It was really exciting to see her and just hang out. she's supposed to call soon and we're going to go get gelato and eat it by the river.
I'm registered for classes! Modern Art, Modern and Contemp Lit, 18th and 19th Century Lit, and Core.
I almost didn't get my classes. But I am no longer angry. Today everything is zen. We went and saw the David again, and went to Palazzo Vecchio in class and it was a really good class. Last night Kevin and I sat in the kitchen and listened to Paramore until 3 in the morning. I've been doing my quad and core excercises. I fixed my iPod shuffle to have really good songs on it. It's been a good day, despite the poor start.
I am glad you have your classes all sorted! That's really frustrating to me, when I can't get my classes figured out. I get all panicky.